Friday, March 23, 2012

Island 2

The following day, and with the tribe now composed of four kayaks, we paddled off to our next destination - a small group of islands familiar to generations of sea kayakers along this coastline.

With autumn upon us, the tail end of a large high pressure weather system gave us a spanking Nor-nor-east wind and a following-sea towards the island's shore.

Sheer delight was experienced here as this previously untrialled kayak lifted in the following-sea conditions to surge forward in long and fast runs like an arrow. A great sensation after two years of sawing, planing, sanding, fibreglassing and varnishing.

Clouds gathering, the atmosphere palpably static and with the wind system about to crank around through the nor-west and turn into a charging sou-westerly weather change we took off back towards the coast.